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Make A Donation 

If you've reached this page, then it tells me that you wish to participate in the greatest gift that we, as residents of Niagara-on-on-Lake, are privileged to posess, and that is to participate in electing our local representatives. Not everyone is comfortable knocking on doors or putting themselves out in the public eye, yet still wants to participate and support me. Providing a donation to my campaign, to help defray some of the costs of materials and supplies, is one way to make a significatnt contribution.


If you wish to make a donation, click on the appropriate bank link below and eTransfer any amount from $5 to a maximum of $1200. Here is How:

eTransfer - log into your bank by clicking on the appropriate icon below,  proceed to transfer, and select eTransfer. Transfer the funds to the email address If you prefer to send a cheque, make it out to Sandra O'Connor 225 Ricardo St Suite 206 Niagara-on-the-Lake L0S 1J0.

Thank you very much and feel free to reach out to me for any reason. If you don't see your bank logo, simply log into your financial institution, and proceed as described above.

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